AI RoboForm EnterPrise adalah sebuah software penyimpan username dan password kita pada saaat kita login pada sebuah situs atau aplikasi, sehingga memudahkan kita login pada suatu situs yang kita sering kunjungi tersebut tanpa harus memasukkan password. AI RoboForm EnterPrise 7.7.3 juga adalah rating teratas password manager yang banyak digunakan kebanyakan orang dalam menyimpan username dan password.
Keuntungan Menggunakan AI RoboForm EnterPrise :
- Manage your passwords and Log In automatically.
- Fill long registration and checkout forms with one click.
- Encrypt your passwords to achieve complete security.
- Generate random passwords to maximize password strength.
- Back up and Synchronize Passwords between computers.
- Fight Phishing and Defeat Keyloggers.
Features :
- AutoSave passwords in browser.
- AutoFill passwords to login form.
- Click Login button for you.
- Fill personal info into online forms.
- Save offline passwords & notes.
- Generate Secure Random Passwords.
- Encrypt passwords and personal data using AES, Blowfish, RC6, 3-DES or 1-DES algorithms.
- All personal info is stored on your computer only.
- Take RoboForm with you on USB disk for ultimate portability.
- Sync your passwords and notes to Palm or Pocket PC.
- Backup & Restore, Print your passwords.
- More features: drill down for more.
- It is well-behaved: NO ADWARE, NO SPYWARE.
- Works under Windows as an add-on to IE-based browsers.
- Works with Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox under Windows.
What's New in AI RoboForm EnterPrise 7.7.3 ??
- Fix Search box blinks on each click or key press.
- Speedup browsing in all browsers, espcially Firefox and Chrome.
- Do not open several RF Master Password windows when not logged in.
- Firefox: reduce number of frame reattaches to speed up browsing.
- Chrome: fix crashes caused by RF in some sequences.
- Chrome: fix too many GDI resources are consumed by RF not allowing to have a lot of tabs.
- Win32: fix RF toolbar may be shown in wrong z-order for a process running as admin.
- Win32: fix RF Win32 toolbar does not appear sometimes, due to PBTipIcon windows.
- Add to the list of social plugins, so that it does not match on all pages.
- Fix Logins menu shown from RF toolbar sometimes overlaps the button or entire toolbar.
- Fix RF installer cannot close passwordgenerator.exe.
- Update process list when user presses Back and Forward in Closing Applications.
- Fix RoboForm does not report sync errors.
Test Worked ..
Download AI RoboForm EnterPrise 7.7.3 Full Patch